Collage of Local 853 members

Meet your new Principal Officer

First, I want to introduce you to each other. Local 853 is the combined strength of our 13,000+ members who stand together for solid contracts that improve their wages, benefits, and working conditions. You work in numerous industries, from A to Z — Artists to Zookeepers. You work across the Greater Bay Area, up to the Oregon border, down the Central Coast, and out towards Sacramento. In all, Local 853 has contracts with more than 300 employers.

Teamsters Local 853 has had a long history of being a strong local, leading the way into the future for its membership. We’ve organized in many new arenas (cannabis, bussing, zookeepers, etc.) that most others would not have had the foresight to take on-—and we will continue to do so. That said, not everything has been easy. Like many of our industries, we have had ups and downs during the pandemic. In addition, we had an election for new leadership and, with that, came changes in our Local.

Now, I would like to introduce myself. I’m your newly elected Principal Officer and Secretary-Treasurer. It is an honor to be elected by the membership of Local 853 and to represent you into the future. I have a strong team of officers, trustees, business agents, and administrative staff who will work together to strengthen our Local from the ground up and ensure that it works for you.

But this is a task we can only achieve with your support. We need all members to unite and help fight for solid contracts and better working conditions. We need all members to get involved and support your fellow Teamsters. We need all members to get to know one another and build relationships. But, most importantly, I need you to commit — like my team and I are committing — to make this union the best it can be.

  • Together, we want to know every member at every location.
  • Together, we will work to raise ALL members for a better future and livelihood.
  • Together, we will make Local 853 the most effective and innovative local in the nation.
  • Together is how we WIN!

A great place to start is to sign up for our communication list, so we can regularly update you on the events that affect our union and your workplace. Go to to sign up.

I look forward to working with you. If you have questions or concerns, contact me at

Author: Local 853

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