Collage of Local 853 members

Around the Local – Contract updates

Costco passes first national contract

The Teamsters made history in October, securing a first-time master agreement protecting more than 18,000 workers at Costco nationwide. This number includes about 1,800 Local 853 members in six stores around the Greater Bay Area. The agreement was overwhelmingly ratified by a vote of 72% with record-high voter turnout from the membership.

The national agreement provides members with significant wage improvements over the next three years and a substantial increase in pension contributions by the employer. The contract will also provide members with higher semi-annual bonuses and a more flexible attendance policy, among other workplace improvements.

In May, the Teamsters negotiating committee unanimously recommended voting down the company’s initial contract offer. In June, 93% of Costco Teamsters did just that, paving the way for the national contract victory.

“Our members at Costco stood up for their rights and won big,” said Business Agent Cesar Martinez. “This victory was for the workers, by the workers.”

Fighting for jobs at Meta

As the chant went, “What do we want? Riders! When do we want them? Now!”

On October 20, Teamsters Local 853 came together at Meta’s Facebook Campus in Menlo Park to protest the company’s plan to drop a third of its shuttle-driving workforce. Unlike other Silicon Valley companies, Meta has refused to mandate that its employees return to work on the main campus. While the company generously supported its contracted workforce during the pandemic, they are the first big tech company to announce severe layoffs.

Local 853 demanded that the company rescind its layoffs and mandate that its employees return to work. This would benefit not only the shuttle drivers, but also the janitors, cafeteria workers, and security guards who are also being impacted.

Many thanks to our friends at Local 665 and GCC District 2 for turning out.

MV contract ratified

The 220 paratransit drivers, mechanics, dispatchers, call center workers, and trainers at MV Transportation in San Jose overwhelmingly ratified a new three-year contract on October 22, and it may be the best MV contract in the state!

In addition to significant wage increases each year, the union strengthened contract language and got other improvements. “Most incredible is that we got the members full maintenance of benefits on their health care,” says Business Agent Pablo Barrera. “Previously they had a company plan with a 70/30 split that the employees paid. Now, they’re under a Teamster plan with 100% employer-paid coverage. This is a life-changing benefit.”

Barrera added that the negotiations were moving slowly until Santa Clara Supervisor Cindy Chavez intervened and an agreement was reached. “She was amazing!” And thanks to Doug Bloch for being the go-between with Cindy!

Before they ratified, they had unanimously voted to strike if they didn’t get an agreement they could live with. Fortunately, hard bargaining produced significant wage and pension increases. Barrera notes that those increases enabled one member to go from renting a house to buying one!

Great contract for Gatorade members

Business Rep Steven Lua reports that the 108 members who manufacture and bottle Gatorade at the Oakland bottling plant ratified a new three-year contract in December that includes the largest wage increase ever.

Lua adds that the contract also includes maintenance of benefits on the health and welfare; the addition of the Juneteenth holiday and two more sick days; taking the wage progression from two years to one; increasing training pay, and getting two weeks vacation for new hires.

“We kept pushing the fact that these employees work in the Bay Area, and the cost of living has increased tremendously over the last three years,” Lua says. “We demanded market equity in the first year to put these members just ahead of what those at Coca-Cola make. And we added increases in years two and three to make sure we don’t fall behind.”

More Parking Contracts

Business Agent Mike Fritz reports that he negotiated two more parking industry contracts at the Oakland Airport that offer significant boosts to our members.

The 25 members at Park & Fly who ratified their new three-year contract in October will see a significant raise in year one, and then standard raises in years two and three. They’ll also get a new paid holiday – Juneteenth. “Thanks to Local 665 for their advice and support,” Fritz says. “We have a contract our members can be proud of.”

For the eight members at LAZ Parking, their new three-year contract includes a large raise in year one, and solid increases in years two and three. “Importantly, we took out the ‘red line,’ which had kept members at an artificially low pay scale. By year two, most members will see a significant equity boost.”

Author: Local 853

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