Collage of Local 853 members

Lucrative contract in cannabis industry

The 33 driver/warehouse workers at JDRC (formerly known as River Cannabis), with locations and deliveries to dispensaries across California, unanimously ratified their new three-year contract in January.

“The negotiations went well,” says Business Rep Steve Beck. “Things got tense at times, as all negotiations do, but calmer minds prevailed,” Beck added, saying that this is a great company. “They take care of their people. They work well with the union. It’s what a real partnership looks like.”

Beck said that the company understood how the pandemic impacted our members. “As a result, we got significant gains across the board, including wages, pension, and health and welfare. As the company grows, we’ve negotiated labor peace agreements, and we hope to build this group and organize more in this industry.”

Beck wanted to acknowledge and thank Stewards Kevin Matzek and William “Bill” Easterwood. “They were integral in negotiations and provided invaluable information. Having strong support from the membership was the number one reason why we were able to come to such a lucrative contract.”

Author: Local 853

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